L’écoline is a Reggio inspired school since 2012, date of our first class year opening. We welcomed 12 children soon evolving to 30, 50 and now coming up to 100. As mentionned in the article in La Côte, one of the benefits of the Reggio Emilia approach is to consider the child both as an artist and a researcher, and to believe that every child has her.his own languages and strengths that can be expressed through different collective or individual projects in the classroom.
Since 2016, we organize a study group to Reggio Emilia (Italy) every year, in collaboration with Reggio Children and the Loris Malaguzzi International Center.
We also offer yearly onsite training opportunities for childcare professionnals as well as a Discovery module (in French) that can be watched online. Besides, we can host on demand discussions about the Reggio Emilia approach (in French or English) as we experience it at l’écoline, as well as about the Forest school movement which is also an inspiration since the beginning. Furthermore, we offer professional visits on your premises on request. For more information, feel free to reach out to us with your specific needs: [email protected]
As a school and childcare center, we intend to be the best for children but also for parents. Hence since 2019, we have a coworking space for parents that also welcomes guests during conferences about parenthood. Read our article in the 20 minutes and in the local journal from St Sulpice the Serpeliou (page 17). The coworking space also got featured in Sifted, Working with kids: Europe’s coworking spaces with childcare.
In 2022, l’écoline celebrated its 10th birthday! For the occasion, we invited all families, current and previous, to gather for a festive day in the Refuge du Laviau. Read the article in the Serpeliou (page 12).
Over the years, we have written a number of articles about our vision and the Reggio Emilia approach as we live it at l’écoline. Some appeared in more formal books such as “Pédagogies alternatives et démarches innovantes, Nathan, 2020”. If we had to summarize our main ideas inspired by the Reggio Emilia movement as mentionned in this chapter of the book, we would say:
- Start by observing and listening before teaching.
- Think of the classroom as a museum-laboratory-workshop, a place where there are beautiful things to learn from, touch, explore and modify, and where art is present to see and create.
- Let the environment (internal or external) and the children interact, and trust the children’s natural curiosity…
To read more about l'écoline and the Reggio Emilia Approach (in French):
Esperluette 04, Septembre 2022 : L’inclusion dans notre société, inspirations de la ville de Reggio Emilia– written by Marion Julia
Nathan, Pédagogies alternatives et démarches innovantes, 2020: Reggio Emilia, les cent langages de l’enfant – written by Marion Julia
Blog Ecole et Bien-être : Reggio Emilia et l’écoline : visite de la première école suisse inspirée de Reggio
Le Temps, 15 novembre 2018, Fabrice Dini : La pédagogie Reggio-Emilia ou l’art d’enseigner par le Beau
Le Temps, 6 novembre 2018, Fabrice Dini : Le quotidien d’un enfant dans une école pionnière vaudoise
Baby Mag, Ces lieux qui font la différence
Voyou, avril 2012, L’écoline ou l’école de vos rêves
About l'écoline as a B Corp certified company:
Bilan Magazine, 11 mars 2020 : La vie des PME, Une école qui prend soin des enfants autrement